Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 9


Laurie had a pretty good night according to the nurse.  Her fever reached 102 degress, but was down to under 101 in the morning.  Because of this fever, they are now using a machine that circulates a cool fluid through some pads.  A few of these pads will be used to keep her fever down.

The Licox monitor is now working properly, and the oxygen level going into Laurie's brain is at a good level.  This is great news!


healthygirl said...

So amazing!!! Can't believe the technology involved. Glad that things are gradually improving as they get new info. Keep the faith!!! Love to all you! The MacRae's

JohnJoe said...

You have a bunch of people praying for Laurie's recovery. Even people that don't know her.

Love you all,

The Freeman's

Anonymous said...

Laurie and family are on my nighstand prayer list. Prayers have been asked from those at my church as well (Riverstone). Christ's Peace. Jim Hurley. Breakfast Club

Jack & Charron said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Laurie and the rest of you guys .... Hang in there, we love you all.
Love, Jack & Charron