Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 19

Last night, Laurie's breathing became short and rapid as she tried to do it on her own.  This was kind of like hyper ventilating, so her carbon dioxide levels increased.  The nurse decided to sedate her again to let her rest because she was just working to hard.  They are now completely ventilating Laurie to help her rest.

Laurie was taken down to have another CT Scan.  Nothing changed since the scan a couple of days ago.  This shows she is not getting worse which keeps us in a positive mood.

They are still slowly taking her off of sedation, reducing her oxygen supplement, and reducing her medications.

We all appreciate Doris Marcus and her daughter Casi for buying dinner for us.  We also loved the gift bag full of goodies.  Doris is Jessica's boss at Ott & Company.