Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 2


She remained stable throughout the night and was still responding well to the doctors and nurses requests. Around 9:30 am she was taken off the intubator and the sedative because she was breathing on her own.

That morning Dad and Wende went in to see her and she mouthed "help" to them. She continued to have many visitors throughout the day. Her first words were "I have to go to the bathroom." The nurses explained to her that she has a catheter. We soon realized that visitors speaking to her agitated her and would cause her to thrash around as much as she could while her extremities were restrained. We tried to calm her as we did at Kennestone (where our voices seemed to really calm her), but it did not seem to work this time. The nurse then explained that the blood is causing extreme pressure on her brain and the vessels surrounding it. This pressure then causes what he described as 'angry brain'. She is very irritated and uncomfortable, so once she is comfortable we would try not to disturb her so she does not thrash around more.

Jessica and Wende went back to visit her and the nurse was doing a routine check of her cognitive abilities. When they asked her to squeeze their hand she was able to with her left hand! All of her extremities were working. Her left eye still had not had any response. When visitors came in she would turn her head towards the voice or even open her eye to them. She would then get very agitated, so we had to not talk or touch her so she can rest. 

She had more visitors today and we were very thankful for them and everything they did! 

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